The Best Food at Disney World

If you didn’t know already, I’m a bit obsessed with Disney. Walt Disney World Resort, Disney Cruise Line, Disney movies, and Disneyland. Anything Disney, I’m in. One of my favorite things about Disney is the food. Give me all the Mickey shaped food. And all the Dole Whips. I even have a collection of Disney food pins. It’s kind of the only thing I really collect, everything else in our Disney pin collection is kind of a mashup of everything my son thinks is cute. I already put together a list of the best Disneyland food (so many amazing things to try!!) and figured it was time to put together my Disney World food favorites. And not just my favorite Disney character dining or the best Disney World restaurants but my actual in park favorites.  Here’s my list of the 19 must-try Disney World food items! Keep reading to see photos of each of these as well as why I love them! And stay tuned because I’m working on a post about each of the individual parks and a review of all of the things you get there! 

19 Best Disney Snacks & Sweets

Let me first add a caveat to this – when I say snacks, I’m not talking about snacks in terms of a Disney dining plan snack credit. These are actual snacks in a normal person food sense of the word – so pretty much anything other than actual meals. If you’re looking for a Disney World snacks lists that’s actual snack credit options, this is not it. Sorry! And this list doesn’t include things on sit down restaurants (like nothing from the Be Our Guest menu). But if you want to know the best Disney World food period, this is it. And some of these things are totally worth it – regardless of if they’re available on the Disney dining plan or not!  I did note in the download Excel spreadsheet whether things are available via mobile ordering and if you can use the Disney dining plan or not.  One other disclaimer – sweets are things you can grab and go, not sit down desserts like the incredible toffee cake or bread pudding.  And p.s., these are in no particular order – just 19 of the best Disney World snacks and sweets! 

19 Must-Try Disney World Snacks

Alright, as promised – here are photos and my take on why these 19 make the best Disney World food list.  This list took me way longer than I originally thought it would because holy cow, there are some amazing options across all four parks! And that doesn’t even include all of the Disney character breakfast options! I had to try everything to give my honest opinion and unlike at Disneyland where I could try all the Disneyland food in one visit, this took many visits over the course of a year!  But here you go!  And if you want a list of all Disney World food options, keep scrolling to the bottom! I have that for you too – an Excel spreadsheet you can download and check off as you go! That list also includes iconic but not unique Disney snacks like Mickey cake pops. 

Best Disney Snacks at Animal Kingdom

Let’s start with Animal Kingdom, the newest of the four parks. Animal Kingdom has a more unique variety of food items, which is good in some cases and not so good in others.  I can’t wait to share my review of all the best Animal Kingdom food but for now, here are the top must-try Disney snacks at Animal Kingdom! 

Grilled Corn at the Harambe Fruit Market

I’m sure you’ve all had grilled corn before. Heck, if you’ve been to Disneyland, you’ve probably had their grilled corn with the chili lime powder on it. This is even better than that. You can get it either plain (delicious) or dipped in their super secret seasoning, and it’s probably the best grilled corn I’ve ever had.  It’s right around the corner from the Safari entrance at the little kiosk that sells snacks like chips, fruit, and drinks. If you don’t know it’s there, you’ll miss it.  And you don’t want to miss this! 

Seasoned Fries at Mr. Kamal’s Seasoned Fries

Any time there’s a restaurant dedicated to one thing, you can assume it’s going to be good. In the case of the seasoned fries at Mr. Kamal’s, you’d be right. I don’t honestly even know what else they serve but the seasoned fries with their accompanying dipping sauces are what all seasoned fries should be. Hot, crispy, and absolutely delicious. 

Blueberry Mousse from Satu’li Canteen

The blueberry mousse from Satu’li makes my best Disney snacks list honestly for uniqueness alone. Yes, it’s yummy, but it’s the uniqueness that really stands out.  It’s not a traditional mousse by any sense of the imagination, which you can probably tell from the photo below. But the flavor combinations are great, and it’s definitely a must-try, at least once.  And it’s way better than the alternative dessert – the chocolate “cake.” I’ve also heard good things about the cheeseburger steam pods at the same restaurant but the blueberry mousse is the only thing on my must-try list here. 

Pulled Pork Mac & Cheese or Pulled Pork Fries from Flame Tree BBQ 

Okay so there are two different options here, but the concept is the same. Pulled pork on top of delicious comfort food.  The baked mac and cheese is my personal favorite but if you want to go with more of a snack, the french fries with pulled pork and cheese is a bit lighter snack. A bit. Because are there really any Disney snacks that are light? 

Best Disney Snacks at Hollywood Studios

I’ll be honest – I’m not in love with the food options at Hollywood Studios. You’ll find that out more in my Hollywood Studios food post. It’s all just kind of so-so, well except Woody’s Lunch Box in Toy Story Land, which I actually really like.  I’m really hoping that the food at Star Wars Galaxy Edge changes that completely. Hoping for some foods that are out of this galaxy good. 

Butterfinger Crunch Cupcake at Trolley Car Cafe

Hollywood Studios does have some good pastries, cupcakes, etc. throughout the parks but the only one that really stands out is this Butterfinger Crunch Cupcake.  The problem is that the Trolley Car Cafe is also the local Hollywood Studios Starbucks and it seems like the line is always outrageously long – same with the one in Magic Kingdom – so getting this cupcake is now tougher than it used to be. Or should be.  You can’t just go in for the cupcake, you have to battle everyone who wants their daily drink as well. But it’s worth it if you like Butterfingers – it’s unique and tasty. 

Lunch Box Tarts at Woody’s Lunch Box

I wrote all about these lunch box tarts in my post with tips for visiting Toy Story Land. They are colorful, sweet, and delicious. Kind of like the ones you grew up on but much better.  They used to have a raspberry option but now they offer as a seasonal pop-tart (right now is a lemon-blueberry) as well as the standard chocolate-hazelnut tart. If the seasonal one is anywhere near as good as the hazelnut one, you should just try both. 

Totchos at Woody’s Lunch Box

I am not nearly as big of a fan of totchos as my friend Tania (and her husband) are, but I do love tater tots and anything to do with tater tots.  If you’ve never had totchos, they’re basically tater tot nachos – totchos. Get it? The ones at Woody’s Lunch Box are topped with a beef and bean chili, cheese, and corn chips. You can check out this video to see me making them with one of the Disney World chefs. Such a fun moment!  They also have a breakfast option available that’s more like a biscuits and gravy totchos!  Oh and if you really like Totchos, I personally actually prefer the ones from Friar’s Nook in Fantasyland. They have a buffalo chicken option and a bacon mac and cheese totcho that is maybe my favorite Disney World snack ever. Maybe. 

Okay, so I have to be honest here – I’ve never actually tried the Num Num cookie at Pixar Place. It making the list is because I’ve heard and assume that it’s the same Num Num Cookie that’s in Pixar Pier by the Incredicoaster in Disneyland.  And that Num Num cookie is magical.  I’ll make sure and try the one at Disney World when I go in August but assuming it’s the same melt in your mouth warm chocolate chip deep dish cookie as in Disneyland’s Pixar Pier, this is a total winner. The picture below is from Disneyland too in case anyone is confused. 

Best Disney Snacks at Magic Kingdom

Alright now let’s get to the star of the Disney World snacks show – Magic Kingdom. It took me like three visits and help from Patty, Tania, and Sarah to try out all of these things, but we took one for the team and did it.  And washed it all down with these treats from the Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween party!  In Magic Kingdom, you really aren’t going to be able to try everything. Pick and choose a couple or share with family and friends so you can sample every item. 

Dole Whip or Dole Whip Float at Aloha Aisle

If you’ve been to Magic Kingdom before, you’ve probably had a Dole Whip or Dole Whip float. But I couldn’t leave it off this list, it’s a Disney World food staple.  And it has a cult following for good reason – it’s delicious.  If you’ve never tried the other options at Aloha Aisle like the pineapple upside down cake (with Dole Whip) or float, try one of those and enjoy Dole Whip in a different way. Or just go with the traditional soft serve – either way is bound to be sweet and delicious. 

Orange Cream Soft Serve Float from Sunshine Tree Terrance

It feels like Disney World food options are always being added. When I went back in the fall, the orange cream soft serve was a brand new option.  Pretty sure Sunshine Tree Terrace has since added other options as well but if the orange cream soft serve is there when you go – get it. Orange cream soft serve + orange soda sounds like a lot of orange right? It’s actually delicious and great for a photo!  Also at the Sunshine Tree Terrace is the citrus swirl but I personally preferred the orange cream soft serve!

Peter Pan Float at Storybook Treats

It feels like Storybook Treats is constantly changing their ice cream and float options. When I went there last, they had the Peter Pan Float, which was lime soft serve in a lemon-lime soda with a cute little chocolate red feather (for Peter Pan).  There’s something about the combination of the lime soft serve with the lemon-lime soda that won be over. I might have even preferred it to a Dole Whip.  They also had this darling Tinkerbell cone but pretty sure that’s been replaced now for some other seasonal option.  So whatever you do – check out Storybook Treats and their seasonal offerings. They’re almost always a hit. 

LeFou’s Brew from Gaston’s Tavern

Okay, fine this one isn’t actually a food, but it’s my favorite drink out of all of the parks, so it made this list.  And the cream on top is kind of a food, close enough to a snack for me.  LeFou’s Brew is a frozen apple juice drink with a bit of toasted marshmallow and then topped with a passionfruit mango foam, and it’s amazing. Refreshing, delicious, and just all around my favorite drink in the park.  Just beware it’s a bit sweet so I recommend sharing – most people aren’t going to want to finish the entire cup themselves.  If you want to try a little sample to see if you like it – ask the cast member in Gaston’s Tavern. They almost always give me a small sample to try if I ask! 

Corn Dog Nuggets at Casey’s Corner

Disneyland owns the corn dog market and Disney World has my favorite corn dog nuggets. They’re not nearly as good as the corn dogs at Disneyland, but they’re still delicious in their own right.  A corn dog nugget meal comes with fries – upgrade and get the bacon mac and cheese fries below instead for a few bucks and try two items off this list at the same time! 

Bacon Mac & Cheese Fries from Casey’s Corner

If you hadn’t noticed from the other top items on my list, Disney likes their bacon mac and cheese.  Bacon mac and cheese on fries is a whole other level. Not as good as the bacon mac and cheese totchos but pretty much the best comfort food you can find on Main Street.  Bacon. Mac and cheese. Fries. It’s a comfort food explosion and somehow works. 

Waffle Sandwich from Sleepy Hollow

The waffle sandwich from Sleepy Hollow is one of those Disney World food items I’ve been wanting to try forever. I got the fresh fruit waffle sandwich with a chocolate-hazelnut spread, but they also offer a sweet and spicy chicken waffle sandwich as well.  This is one of those Disney snacks is totally worth buying even though they don’t accept Disney dining plan snack credits.  And don’t even think about skipping the waffle sandwich for the Mickey Waffle with strawberries and cream. Nowhere near as good, honestly I threw most of it away because the waffle got soggy way too fast!  But the waffle sandwich – it’s kind of a masterpiece. And makes a great Instagram photo with the castle in the background. 

Best Disney Snacks at Epcot

Epcot is a hard one to tackle because there are just so many different foods to try. But I had to include Disney snacks from all of the different parks – this list couldn’t be just Epcot all the time.  So instead, you’ll have to wait for my Epcot food post to see what other things you have to try in Epcot. For now, these are my four personal favorites that I get every time I’m there! 

Cronut at The Electric Umbrella

The cronut, or croissant doughnut, used to be at the Refreshment Port in the World Showcase. During the most recent festivals, it was at a kiosk by Test Track.  But right now as of writing this post in July 2019, the cronut is now on the menu at the Electric Umbrella along with some other delicious sounding dessert options like a cookie crunch brownie I have yet to try.  Back to the cronut. If you’ve never had a cronut – it’s basically what you’d get if a croissant and donut had a baby. Flaky, covered in cinnamon sugar, and delicious. I prefer it plain, but you can also get it topped with things during seasonal festivals like the Food & Wine festival. 

Fish & Chips from Yorkshire County Fish Shop

The fish and chips is another case of probably shouldn’t be on this list of  best Disney snacks because technically it’s a meal BUT I typically order it and share with friends, so it becomes a snack for everyone. I’m not sure how this compares to legit fish and chips in England, but I do know that every time I’ve tried them, they have been hot, crispy, and fresh. The chips are actually thick cut fries and maybe my favorite fries in all of Disney World. 

Macaron Ice Cream Sandwich from Les Glaces

There are so many different options at Les Glaces in France, but the macaron ice cream sandwich is my personal favorite.  Ice cream squished between two macaron halves and frozen together – it’s two of the best desserts ever combined to make an even better one.  Just be careful, it does melt fast and gets tough to eat once it’s melting. So either stay inside the store or ask for a cup/bowl to eat it in, unless you want ice cream melting all over! 

Caramel Popcorn from Karamell Kuche

My friend Tania got me hooked on the caramel popcorn, I probably wouldn’t have either bothered trying it. But it’s one of her favorite foods at Epcot, so I figured it should try it. It’s not your typical caramel corn, it’s addicting and delicious. Made by the company that makes the Werther’s Originals caramels (you know those hard things that no one really loves) but so much better than the candy itself because you get the flavor without having to deal with sucking on those candies forever.  Get it in a bag and enjoy it as you walk around the world! 

Printable Disney World Snacks List

I have two different lists you can use with Disney World food – a printable checklist to take to the parks and an Excel spreadsheet with all food items that will be updated regularly as I prepare for my next trip to Disney World!  The PDF checklist (seen in the photo below) is my top items to try in each of the parks – snacks, sweets, and one or two non-alcoholic drinks. The excel spreadsheet has everything available for the ultimate Disney World snacks list!  The excel spreadsheet also tells you if something is accepted on the dining plan AND if the restaurant accepts mobile orders, which are a HUGE time-saver.  This list is not for the faint of heart nor is it meant to be completed all in one day at Disney World or honestly even one visit to Walt Disney World Resort. If you want to try it, you’re definitely going to need to rent a car at Disney!  Bring your entire family or a handful of girlfriends and maybe, just maybe you could make it through the entire list! The lists have been updated as of July 2019 but you know how Disney is – things change. If something is no longer available or I missed something, help a girl out and leave a comment so I can make updates!  And the photos in this post – those are not updated (can’t take new photos every time I make a change) so before you tell me something is wrong, download a copy of the actual PDF and confirm it’s wrong on the PDF! 

Get the PDF file

There are two different options you can use. Either this Disney World food bucket list PDF or this Excel spreadsheet that I keep updated when I go on trips! The spreadsheet will typically be more up to date than the PDF but I’ll try my best to keep them both as current as possible.

More Disney World Travel Tips

Planning a trip to Disney World? Make sure to check out these posts first!

Renting a car at Disney WorldHow to Do Disney in One DayBest Disney Character DiningTips for character dining with young kidsInsider Tips for Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party

Don’t forget to pin this list of the best food at Disney World for later!

Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 67Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 90Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 52Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 36Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 79Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 18Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 12Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 48Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 10Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 10Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 41Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 69Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 53Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 61Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 48Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 11Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 3Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 95Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 20Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 15Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 73Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 52Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 94Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 8Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 57Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 7Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 23Best Disney World Food   Printable Disney Snacks List - 64